Debug & Test Better with Open Data and Custom Synthetic Data

Software developers often lack access to enough data to properly debug and test their software. This leads to incomplete, incorrect Quality Control processes. Leading to expensive, frequent interim releases and hot patches.

Having sufficient amounts of realistic data can greatly improve your SQA testing, to insure the software works as it should.

Open Data provides one great source of large amounts of debug and test data.

In addition, using our Metadata Repository we’ll be able to define the structure of your products. And then we’ll design customized data formats to fill your software with realistic, yet fake, Synthetic Data for testing purposes. Resulting in better-tested, more robust software releases to your clients.

The above diagram shows a database browser looking into tables with data from the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”).

We recently published a post that explains how a combination of Open Data and Synthetic Data can be useful to your company.

Ready to improve your debug and test processes?

Contact us today to evaluate how DataSDR can add value to your software.