Deliver Compelling, Prospect-specific Demos

Let’s take a look at an established medical device company, A-Dec. If you were to deliver a demo of your software to this company, DataSDR can provide you with these materials to deliver a more compelling demo:

a.) See below for several 510(k)s issued by the FDA for A-Dec’s products.
There are around 70 total 510(k)s for A-Dec.

Message: “Mr. Prospect, our software can be deployed with all this Open Data content pre-loaded for you. Your team will be able to derive immediate ROI from your investment in our software.”

b.) Several of the A-Dec’s products fall under the following FDA “Classification Product Code”
EBW – controller, foot, handpiece and cord
EFB – handpiece, air-powered, dental
EIA – unit, operative dental
ELC – scaler, ultrasonic

Those codes are very useful to gather the 510(k)s for A-Dec’s competitors.

The opportunity here is for your software to be used in the “Product Development” phase of the product lifecycle.
Greatly expanding the number of potential users of your software inside your customer.

Message: “Mr. Prospect, our software can be pre-loaded with all relevant content from your direct competitors. So that your colleagues in Product Development / Marketing can use our software to evaluate market conditions.”

c.) This is an example of our Sales Accelerator program to help your team to prepare and deliver customized demos.

Ready to get started?

Contact us today to evaluate how DataSDR can add value to your software.